Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is closely related to secondary androgen deficiency in aged males,but the mechanism remain......
Aim: To investigate the antioxidant effects of Morinda officinalis (Morindae radix, MR) on H202-induced oxidative stress......
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone positively regulates steroidogenesis via extracellular signal-regulat
SET is a multifunctional protein involved in regulating many biological processes of the cell cycle. It is also a regula......
Effects of exposure to PFOS in utero on testosterone synthesis and reproductive and developmental to
Objective: To investigate reproductive and developmental toxicities of male fetus rats and testosterone synthesis of fet......
Autophagy participates in testosterone synthesis by affecting cholesterol uptake in the Leydig cells
The main function of Leydig cells in the testis is to synthesize steroid sex hormone testosterone.Because autophagy is v......
Melatonin has been reported of inhibitory effect on testosterone production.However,how this effect works remains largel......
Over-activated NADPH oxidase and endoplasmic reticulum stress mediating STZ-injection induced diabet
近年来,新生儿尿道下裂的发病率呈逐年上升的趋势,越来越受到专家和学者的重视。邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物( PAEs)被认为是新生儿尿道下裂......
Objective To study the effect of vasocation intestinal peptide (VIP) on immune privilege of the rat testis. Methods The ......